Privacy Policy
Why did you receive an email or text from us?
Our email marketing is permission based. If you received an email from us, our records indicate you have expressly shared your email address with us for the purpose of receiving requested transactions and monthly statements. We only email these transactions with your consent.
How can I stop you from emailing me?
The email you received has contact information in it. Please contact us at that number or reply to the email with "Opt Out"" and we will gladly remove you from receiving future emailed statements and transactions.
Do you share my information?
No. We hold the trust you place in us in highest regards. At no time is your data shared either for free or for gain with any 3rd parties. Email addresses and any other information submitted are only shared with employees responsible for managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending emails with your consent.
How do you protect my information?
We use appropriate security measures to protect against the loss or theft of data used by our system.